$User = array("username"=>"", "password"=>"123567"); $from = array(array("name" => "Test Test", "address" =>"")); $to = array(array("name" => "Test1 Test1", "address" =>""), array("name" => "Test2 Test2", "address" =>"")); $cc = array(array("name" => "Test3 Test3", "address" =>""), array("name" => "Test4 Test4", "address" =>"")); $Bcc = array(); $Message=array( "MessageHead" => array( "From" => $from, "To" => $to, "Cc" => $cc, "Bcc" => $Bcc, "Subject" => "This is a test", "In-Reply-to" => "", "References" => "" ), "MessageBody" => array( "Text" => "I am sending emails through client API at 6:08", "Attachment" => array( 0=>array( "uuid" => "/tmp/a.txt", "filename" => "a.txt", "mime-type" => "plain/text", "content" => base64_encode(file_get_contents("/tmp/a.txt")) ) ) ) );
The response is a structure containing a unique message identifier that correspondes to the standard Message-ID header and an error object composed of code and message
(string) Message-ID - a unique identifier
(array) Error - an object with the following elements:
- (string) code - A response code. "delivered", "pending", "retrieved" and "error"
- (string) message - A description of the response code
Sample Code (using NuSoap)(PHP)
$soap = new SoapClient("", array ( 'trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true, )); $User = array("username"=>"", "password"=>"123567"); $from = array(array("name" => "Test Test", "address" =>"")); $to = array(array("name" => "Test1 Test1", "address" =>""), array("name" => "Test2 Test2", "address" =>"")); $cc = array(array("name" => "Test3 Test3", "address" =>""), array("name" => "Test4 Test4", "address" =>"")); $Bcc = array(); $Message=array( "MessageHead" => array( "From" => $from, "To" => $to, "Cc" => $cc, "Bcc" => $Bcc, "Subject" => "This is a test", "In-Reply-to" => "", "References" => "" ), "MessageBody" => array( "Text" => "I am sending emails through client API at 6:08", "Attachment" => array( 0=>array( "uuid" => "/tmp/a.txt", "filename" => "a.txt", "mime-type" => "plain/text", "content" => base64_encode(file_get_contents("/tmp/a.txt")) ) ) ) ); $sendResponse = $soap->SendMessage($User, $Message); SendResponse { Message-ID: 00cc01cc1c6e$8821f990$9865ecb0$@md Result { code: delivered message: The message has been delivered to the endpoint addresses of all recipients } }
The xml for the WSDL can be found here