mdEmail® Registration API

editUser($session_id, $domain_name, $user_name, $new_password)

editUser should be called when a max md user needs to change a email user password for a given domain. It can be retrieved via a soap request using the "editUser" method to .


  (string) code - A response code. This will be "000" if there is no error
  (string) message - A description of the reponse code
  (string) values - For future use

Sample Code (using NuSoap)

$soap = new soapclient("",array( 'trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true, ));
$response= $soap->editUser($session_id, $domain_name, $user_name, $new_password);
if ($response->code == '000') {
  echo $response->message;
  echo $response->message;

The xml for the WSDL can be found here